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Luxurious Chalet

Luxurious top floor apartment in Gstaad, Switzerland

In close collaboration with his clients, a Brasilian/Spanish couple based in Madrid, designer Tino Zervudachi, provided them with a luxurious top floor apartment in a modern but traditional-style chalet outside Gstaad in Switzerland. The apartment was designed for summer and winter use for several months a year. Unusually the client chose oak rather than pine for some of the walls and cupboards preferring the soft grey tones and grain to an all-pine interior. Also he employed Spanish rather than Swiss craftsmen to carry out the interior finishes. The owner commissioned an Italian metal sculptor to make the mezzanine balustrade above the living room, all the door and drawer handles and animal sculptures to decorate the exterior balcony. Zervudachi designed the large living room carpet, the sofas and sourced many of the contents in Paris. Keen art and photography collectors - there are works by Barcello, Jean Dubuffet, Joan Mitchell and Caio Reisenwitz among others - the house is decorated and designed as a family home rather than just for brief winter holidays. A high level of craftmanship was employed and a wide range of materials used to create a highly customised interior.

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