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Return to Beirut

Interior designer Lebanese home decorated in her own eclectic style

An American trained Lebanese interior designer returned to Beirut to create a home for her family (3 sons) in an old house on the Sursock estate in the east side of the city. She was educated in Switzerland and Boston and worked for Bunny Williams in NYC where she honed her skills at fusing a wonderful mix of furniture, fabrics, styles and colours in an individual and international ensemble ranging from, in her own home, classic Arts and Crafts pieces to feminine velvet Victorian chairs. It is the house of a woman who entertains and loves to cook, who understands the style of the Levant, collects interesting objects and can work with large spaces and unusually high ceilings; she has 2 British bulldogs and a garden full of tortoises. She is currently working on rooms for the Relais Chateaux El Bergo in Beirut, several private clients and is busy on a project where reviving old mountain crafts in wicker, wood and metal will produce a range of pieces for sale.

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