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Chester Jones

Classic Victorian London house in Battersea

English Interior architect/designer and furniture designer Chester Jones and his wife Sandy (a well known rug designer) live in a classic Victorian London house but inside the Jones style shows originality, humour, fine craftsmanship and plenty of essential storage. Large cupboards were designed for all the principal rooms. The re-working of the interiors occurred once the couples children had left home - a change of style that would be far more comprehensive than new paint colours or curtains. The Jones's collect pictures, sculpture and books. They prefer shutters to curtains and they mix different periods with ease. Polished teak floors and French polished iroko in the bathroom bring a richness of colour and a gentlemans club-like finish. Similarly the door and window architraves are framed in lustrous polished hardwood along with wall-mounted storage cupboards with slatted doors and slatted radiator covers.

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