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4-bed chalet apartment near Gstaad, Switzerland

Paris-based designer Tino Zervudachi was asked by his client to design a large, 4-bed chalet apartment near Gstaad, Switzerland off plan. The brief was to create a relaxed, comfortable, easy holiday home for a couple and their 3 young children. Designer and client worked together on ensuring the chalet provided an easy movement of people from space to space, that living, dining and cooking was to be open plan but reading and watching television/film was to be treated to a more intimate space below the living and sleeping level. While timber cladding is traditional Zervudachi painted most of the walls white but created a distinctive, sand-blasted wood panel design for the low ceilings which gives the impression of greater height and interest. Rich emerald green, the colour of the summer pastures, is the accent colour teamed with off-white upholstery and white sheepskin dining chair covers. The kitchen is made of verticle striped walnut veneer and honed stone worktops. Vintage furniture is mixed with contemporary sofas, inspired by Jean Royere, and old wood chairs from Alsace while the unusual bedroom console table and large sphere in the dining area are made of cut, blackened logs, made and bought in Korea.

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