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Chritmas Keeper's Cottage

Former Game Keeper's cottage in the Cotswolds set in a secluded valley surrounded by fields and woods

UK-based American couple Lesley (an interior and garden designer) and Chris Cooke leave their large and urbane London apartment every year to spend Christmas with their children and visiting family in a wonderful stone, former Game Keeper's cottage in the Cotswolds some 2 hours from London. Set in a secluded valley surrounded by fields, woods and with a stream running through the garden it is hidden gem of a retreat. Lesley began by transforming the very rundown and dated cottage and non-existent garden. The 1st phase of work was the remodelling of the existing space, laying out and planting the garden and converting a small detached barn into a multi-purpose family room. In late 2009 she completed a well matched stone extension, where a 'rather unattractive' conservatory had been built on one side of the house by the previous owner. Linked to the kitchen-dining area on the ground floor the new space is used for both more formal dining and an intimate seating area. 4 pairs of Glazed doors open the room to the garden in summer. Above Lesley created a new master bedroom and luxurious bathroom. She has collected tree decorations for many years and loves to wrap presents in a variety of materials and different ribbons and adornments. The table is set with traditional fine china, crystal and white linen.

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