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Antique Dealer

17th century Cotswolds townhouse of antique dealer

"Living above the shop does have its advantages," says the owner whose antique business is based in a seventeenth century town house in the Cotswold town of Tetbury (England). "It’s a very social way of life with a constant flow of friends and fellow dealers dropping in on their travels around the country to check out what’s new. Discussions often carry on around the kitchen table way into the night so its nice knowing that it’s not far to go to bed." Sixty nine steps to be precise for his sleeping quarters are squeezed into the attic space at the top of the house. "My priority was to maximise the shop display area, so what was once a dank, damp wine cellar in the basement was turned into a kitchen whilst the draughty attic space four floors above became the bedroom." Although he’s been in the antique business all his working life, the owner also takes a keen interest in the prevailing taste in interior design.

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